Friday, April 3, 2009


What's slimy, brown, and looks like a gnome?

According to Appalacian lore, they're called 'murckles'(pronounced miracles in everyday English), because they show up on a mountain side every April, last for one day, but, once dried, last all year long.
We know these beauties as Morel Mushrooms, the only culinary mushroom that completely re-constitues to its fresh form after being dried. Oh, and they're delicious and worth $30 a pound.
This morning Chris and I rose before dawn to visit a secret 'patch.' It was prime mushroom hunting weather- cold, windy and misty- just like home! After about 2 hours of stooped walking up wooded hills, we had wet heads and almost three pounds of fresh black Morels.

Later, after lunch, Chris made contact with the Blackberry Farms resort, a shwanky place in the Smokeys. The head chef wants 5 pounds of our foraged Morels a week... that's $150 extra Farm Income as often as we can find them!

Stay tuned for the first installation of Chicken of the Week!


  1. Next time carry a camping stove, pan, garlic and butter so you can have a fresh mushroom lunch! mmmm tasty!

  2. Those henny pennys aren't the only ones going lesbo... I saw that big ole tractor and read how much you enjoy driving it. Are you already affecting a flannel shirt???

    Some of my best friends are....

    just saying
    C dawg

  3. WAIT...the previous comment was supposed to go with the hens!
    C dawg
