Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sweet Patuties!

Christine and I dug the sweet potatoes yesterday. I figured a bit of background was in order...

Little known fact: my grandparents grew sweet potatoes in their backyard every year while I was growing up. Each October, we'd drive down to Louisville, KY to help dig 'em up. As you may expect, much fun was had by all.

If you've ever grown sweet potatoes before, you'll know that you often find yourself sharing the bounty, however begrudgingly, with rodents. In an attempt to trick fate, my mother found these strange rat face masks for the 'boys' to wear while digging...

Our bounty this year pales in comparison, but Christine and I were just as excited as I remember being as a kid as we unearthed those jewels of the earth... how big is it gonna be? Photos of our haul to follow...